Every adventure counts!

Every adventure counts!


Every adventure counts!

A glimpse of Morocco through the eyes of Eva and Alex, driving the new Toyota Land Cruiser.

Eva Zu Beck, an adventure YouTube creator and Alex Stead a travel and car photographer go for a 5 day adventure through the landscape and culture of Morocco.

Special thanks to Eva and Alex for joining this fantastic are amazing human beings!

Heartfelt thanks to Noureddine, Youssef, Michael Dreher, and the entire Moroccan crew at Kasbah Films. A big thanks to Pablo at Bosalay Film for supporting this production.

We also want to thank our great friend and master Director of Photography, Hugo Prats, for always chasing the light.

A huge appreciation to Laurin Biersack for delivering the most inspiring editing on this side of the millennium!

Of course, special thanks to our wonderful clients, Nathalie Domenec and Gador Cascales at Toyota, for trusting us with this special project.

A big big thank you to Anke Lukeman, our photographer extraordinaire!!
